Rules for our 2025 Tournament
Boys & Girls born on or after January 1, of the year specified:
2017 (U8), 2016 (U9), 2015 (U10), 2014 (U11), 2013 (U12), 2012 (U13),
2011 (U14), 2010 (U15), 2009 (U16), 2008 (U17), 2006/07 (U19) Divisions.
Team Check-in Process & Eligibility
Refer to the Team Check-in Page of the tournament website.
Guest Players
Unlimited guest players are permitted.
2017 & 2016 Divisions will play 7v7
2014 & 2015 Divisions will play 9v9
2013 thru 2007/06 Divisions will play 11v11
Small Sided Rules
7v7 Divisions
Build out lines.
No Heading allowed.
No Punting is allowed.
9v9 (U10) Divisions
No Build out lines.
No Heading allowed.
Punting is allowed.
9v9 (U11) Divisions
No Build out lines.
Heading is allowed.
Punting is allowed.
Roster Size
2017 & 2016 (7v7 Division): 14 player max roster
2014 & 2015 (9v9 Division): 16 player max roster
2013 thru 2007/06 (11v11 Division): 22 player max roster
Roster Freeze
The roster freeze is Saturday, May 24th before your first scheduled game. Once you turn in your Match Report/Game Card to the Field Marshal prior to your first scheduled game, your Roster is Frozen. You will not be able to add any players to your Team Roster for the remainder of the tournament. This includes any Club Passing for Goalkeepers and Field Players.
Tournament Club Pass Rule
Goalkeepers are allowed to participate in more than one team within all age groups, provided that it is age appropriate and strictly in the capacity of a Goalkeeper; they are not eligible to participate as a field player. To do so, a Goalkeeper must be included on the official team roster and listed as "GK" prior to their respective team's first game. It's important to note that no Goalkeeper can be added to the roster after the Roster Freeze deadline.
Field Players are not allowed to participate in more than one team within their own team's age group. However, players are permitted to club pass "up" or "down" if age appropriate between teams outside of their team's age group. To do so, a player must be included on the official team roster prior to their respective team's first game. It's important to note that no players can be added to the roster after the Roster Freeze deadline.
Match Times for Pool Play, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals & Finals
Pool Play, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals & Finals
2017 thru 2014 (7v7 & 9v9 Divisions )will play two 30 minute halves.
2013 thru 2007/06 (11v11 Divisions) will play two 35 minute halves.
Substitution will be allowed during natural stoppage of the match at the referee’s discretion. All divisions, free substitution and re-entry will be allowed.
Home & Away Preparations
Choosing Sides:
Silverlakes Soccer Complex, OC Great Park & Silverlakes West/ Eastvale Community Park:
Both teams will be on one side of the field and Spectators on the opposite side of the field designated by the tournament. Spectators must mirror their team on opposite side of the field.
The Home team is the first team listed on the schedule and has choice of field half.
All other Facilities not mentioned above:
Teams will sit on opposite sides of the field. All Spectators from a team will sit on the same side of the field as their team. The Home team is the first team listed on the schedule and has choice of sides.
Uniform Conflict: If there is a conflict in the uniform color, the Away team shall change uniforms.
GAME BALLS: The home team is the team listed first on the official schedule. The home team will furnish three game balls.
NO PROTESTS WILL BE ALLOWED. Only the Tournament Director can make decisions relating to the interpretation of the Tournament Rules. Disputes relating to the interpretation of these rules will be resolved with the administrator/coach that are registered with the involved team(s). Individuals may not represent a team if not registered as an administrator/coach with the involved team(s). The Coach or Administrator must present their valid ID Card related to questioning rules or when voicing concerns.
Player Equipment
The referee’s decision is final concerning whether a player will be permitted to play with their existing equipment and physical condition (knee braces, cast, etc.). The Tournament does not have the authority to overrule a referee when it comes to player equipment.
2 Yard Sideline Rule
All spectators must always be at least 2 yards away from the sideline. This rule will be enforced by the Referee Coordinator and Tournament Officials.
Injury Time
There will be no time allowance for injuries. The in-charge referee cannot extend the specified game time.
Tournament Scoring System
3 points for a win
1 point for a tie
0 points for a loss
Qualifying matches ending in a tie will stand. Quarter-final, Semi-final and Final matches ending in a tie will proceed immediately to FIFA penalty kicks to determine a winner.
Standing Tie Breaker
In the event there is a tie in the standing after the qualifying matches or a wild-card determination, the following method will be utilized to resolve the tie:
1. Head to Head Competition
2. Goal Differential (goals scored minus goals allowed)
3. Fewest Goals Allowed
4. Most Goals Scored
5. Most shut-out victories.
6. FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark
If more than two teams are tied at the end of preliminary rounds, the tie breaker criteria list shall be used in order shown to advance or eliminate teams. Once one team advances or is eliminated and if the remaining two teams are still tied, those two teams will then be compared beginning with criterion 1 (Head to Head) to determine ultimate placement. (See different examples below).
Example 1: Three way tie:
Head to Head cancels out since all 3 teams either beat or tied each other. The three teams will then be compared beginning with criterion 2 (Goal Differential) to determine ultimate placement.
Team A Goal Differential +3
Team B Goal Differential +2
Team C Goal Differential +1
In this above example Team A is first place, Team B is second place and Team C is third place.
Example 2: Three way tie:
Head to Head cancels out since all 3 teams either beat or tied each other. The three teams will then be compared beginning with criterion 2 (Goal Differential) to determine placement.
Team A Goal Differential +3
Team B Goal Differential +3
Team C Goal Differential +1
In this above example Team C is Third Place with the lowest Goal Differential. Since Team A and Team B are still tied, those two teams will then be compared beginning with criterion 1 (Head to Head) to determine ultimate placement. In this case, Team A beat Team B in Pool Play. Therefore, Team A is first place, Team B is second place, and Team C is third place.
Example 3: Three way tie:
Head to Head cancels out since all 3 teams either beat or tied each other.
Team A Goal Differential +3
Team B Goal Differential +1
Team C Goal Differential +1
In this above example Team A is in First Place with the Highest Goal Differential. Since Team B and Team C are still tied, those two teams will then be compared beginning with criterion 1 (Head to Head) to determine ultimate placement. In this case, Team B beat Team C in Pool Play. Therefore, Team A is first place, Team B is second place, and Team C is third place.
Playoff Format
Flight of 6 Teams:
One group of 6 teams. Top 2 teams with the most points will advance to the Championship Game.
Flight of 8 Teams:
1st Place from Group A vs 2nd Place from Group B will advance to the Semifinal Game. 1st Place from Group B vs 2nd Place from Group A will advance to the Semifinal Game. The winners of semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 10 Teams:
Two Groups of 5 teams. 1st Place from Group A vs 1st Place from Group B will advance to the Finals.
Flight of 12 Teams:
Will consist of three (3) Groups of four (4) teams each. Each team will play the other teams in its Group for a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
Teams advancing to the Semi-Finals: The winner of Group A will play Wild card #1 and the winner of Group B will play the winner of Group C. If Wild Card comes from Group A, then it will be winner of Group B vs Wild card and winner of Group A vs Group C. The winners of semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 16 Teams:
Will consist of four (4) Groups of four (4) teams each. Each team will play the other teams in its Group for a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
1st Place from Group A, Group B, Group C & Group D will advance to the Semi-finals.
Semi-final A is 1st Place from Group A vs 1st Place from Group D
Semi-final B is 1st Place from from Group B vs 1st Place from Group C
The winners of semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 20 Teams:
Will consist of five (5) Groups of four (4) teams each. Each team will play the other teams in its Group for a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
The winner of Group A will play Wild card #3 in Quarterfinal A
The winner of Group B will play Wild card #2 in Quarterfinal C
The winner of Group C will play Wild card #1 in Quarterfinal D
The winner of Group D will play the winner of Group E in Quarter final B
If Wild card #1 comes from Group C, then Wild card #1 will play the winner of Group B and Wild card #2 will play the winner of Group C.
If Wild card #3 comes from Group A, then Wild card #3 will play the winner of Group B and Wild card #2 will play the winner of Group B.
If Wild card #2 comes from Group B, then Wild card #2 will play the winner of Group C and Wild card #3 will play the winner of Group B.
If two (2) Wild cards come from their same respective groups. Both Wild card teams will automatically switch places.
If three (3) Wild cards come from their same respective groups, then winner of Group A will play Wild Card #2 and winner of Group B will play Wild Card #1 and winner of Group C will play Wild Card #3.
The winner of the Quarterfinal A will meet the winner of Quarterfinal B and the winner of Quarterfinal C will meet the winner of Quarterfinal D in the semifinals. The winners of semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 22 Teams:
Will consist of six (6) Groups – Group A and B will play a crossover format, and Group C, D, E and F will play round robin within their division. Each team will play a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
The winner of Group A/B will play Wild card #1 in Quarterfinal A.
The winner of Group C will Wildcard #2 in Quarterfinal C.
The winner of Group D will play Wild Card #3 in Quarterfinal D.
The winner of Group E will play the winner of Group F in Quarterfinal B.
If Wild card #1 comes from Group A/B, then Wildcard #1 will play the winner of Group C and Wildcard #2 will play the winner of Group A/B.
If Wild card #2 comes from Group C, then Wildcard #2 will play the winner of Group A/B and Wildcard #1 will play the winner of Group C.
The winner of Quarterfinal A will meet the winner of Quarterfinal B and the winner of Quarterfinal C will meet the winner of Quarterfinal D in the Semifinals. The winners of the Semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 24 Teams:
Will consist of six (6) Groups of four (4) teams each. Each team will play the other teams in its Group for a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
The winner of Group A will play Wild card #1 in Quarterfinal A.
The winner of Group B will play the winner of Group C in Quarterfinal C.
The winner of Group D will play Wild card #2 in Quarterfinal D.
The winner of Group E will play the winner of Group F in Quarterfinal B.
If Wild card #1 comes from Group A, then Wild card #1 will play the winner of Group D and Wild card #2 will play the winner of Group A.
If Wild card #2 comes from Group D, then Wild card #2 will play the winner of Group A and Wild card #1 will play the winner of Group D.
The winner of Quarterfinal A will meet the winner of Quarterfinal B and the winner of Quarterfinal C will meet the winner of Quarterfinal D in the Semifinals. The winners of the Semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 28 Teams:
Will consist of seven (7) Groups of four (4) teams each. Each team will play the other teams in its Group for a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
The winner of Group A will play the winner of Group B in Quarterfinal A.
The winner of Group C will play the winner of Group D in Quarterfinal C.
The winner of Group E will play the winner of Group F in Quarterfinal D.
The winner of Group G will play the Wild card #1 in Quarterfinal B.
If Wild card #1 comes from Group G, then Wild card #1 will play the winner of Group E and the winner of Group F will play the winner of Group G.
The winner of Quarterfinal A will meet the winner of Quarterfinal B and the winner of Quarterfinal C will meet the winner of Quarterfinal D in the Semifinals. The winners of the Semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Flight of 32 Teams:
Will consist of eight (8) Groups of four (4) teams each. Each team will play the other teams in its Group for a total of three (3) preliminary round games.
The winner of Group A will play the winner of Group B in Quarterfinal A
The winner of Group C will play the winner of Group D in Quarterfinal C.
The winner of Group E will play the winner of Group F in Quarterfinal D.
The winner of Group G will play the winner of Group H in Quarterfinal B.
The winner of Quarterfinal A will meet the winner of Quarterfinal B and the winner of Quarterfinal C will meet the winner of Quarterfinal D in the Semifinals. The winners of the Semifinal games will meet for the Championship.
Wild Cards
Only Second Place Teams from each pool can advance as a Wild Card. If there is a tie for Second Place in pool play, the Standing Tie Breaker Rule will determine the Second Place team. Penalty kicks will be taken thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled start of the Quarterfinal or Semifinal game. Any additional conflicts with Wild card teams will be resolved by the Tournament Directors.
Note: In a Flight of 22 teams, Head to Head is not utilized when calculating ties in Wild Cards in Groups A & B only. Wild Cards are calculated from all teams in Group A & B. Standard Wild Card Tournament Rule applies to Groups C, D & E.
Award Ceremonies
Both, the Champion and Finalist will receive awards and are both expected to participate in the Award Ceremonies. Any team who does not comply will be reported to US Club Soccer or State Association, League, Club BOD and Club DOC. We promote good sportsmanship at our event whether you win or lose.
Forfeits/Team Disqualifications
If a team forfeits due to a no show or not having enough players during the preliminary round, the following will apply “Forfeit one-forfeit all”. If a team forfeits in the elimination round, only that match will be forfeited. If a team doesn’t have their player cards present by the end of the match, only that match will be forfeited. Games will be recorded as a 1-0 victory for the opposing team. Any team that forfeits will be reported to their US Club or State Association, Club President and Club Directors.
Grace Period
All matches will have a 5 minutes grace period to appear with at least 7 players (2012 thru 2005/06), 5 players (2017 thru 2013) to avoid a forfeit.
Player/Coach Conduct
Any player receiving a double yellow / red card or coach receiving an ejection shall be ineligible to participate in the remainder of that match, plus the following match.
Withdrawal from the Tournament/ Refund Policy
- Any team withdrawing before May 1, 2024, will receive a full refund minus $100 processing fee. Any team withdrawing after the May 1, 2024, will not be entitled to a refund unless the tournament is canceled.
- If the Tournament is canceled due to the Inclement Weather prior to the start of competition, teams will be issued partial refunds as determined by the Tournament Committee, after a reasonable amount has been deducted for incurred tournament costs.
- If the Tournament is canceled once it begins, refunds will be issued according to the following schedule:
- Three matches played - No Refund
- Two matches played- $100 Refund
- One match played- $200 Refund
Inclement Weather or Unexpected Termination of Play
In the event of inclement weather, which the Tournament Committee deems as being unsafe for the players and/or the fields for competition to continue; or the unexpected termination of the match, the following system for determining the winner will be implemented:
Matches that are at the half time break or in the second half of play will have the score stand.
Matches before the halftime break will be deemed not to have been played and may be postponed and played at a later time or the following day if a field is available. If a field is not available, then a coin flip by the Tournament Director will determine the winner and the score will be reported as 1-0.
Matches may be shortened in order to play all assigned matches. If all assigned matches are unable to be played, awards will be made based on a point system to be determined by the Tournament Committee.
Registration is open! Join us in 2025 for the 30th Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup. Visit cerritoschallenge.com to get started

With good performances and a little luck, the weekend ends at the podium
#cmcc2024 #cerritoschallenge

What a tournament we had this year. Save the date for 2025, the Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup turns 30 and it’s going to be big. May 24-26, 2025!
#cmcc30 #cerritoschallenge

What a tournament we had this year. Save the date for 2025, the Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup turns 30 and it’s going to be big. May 24-26, 2025!
#cmcc30 #cerritoschallenge

To all the players, families, coaches, directors, volunteers, and staff who made our 29th tournament special — THANK YOU! Make sure you plan to join us next year for #cmcc2025, our 30th Anniversary! And check back soon for tournament photos!
#cerritosmemorial #cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

As our tournament enters its final day, we pause to remember those who gave their lives for our country.

We are excited to host the 2024 Capelli Sport+ Southwest Showcase! CS+ Showcases bring together top teams for competitive matches for amazing showcase opportunities.
#slammersfc #capellisport #capellisportplus #soccershowcase

There’s still time! Register today for the 2024 Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

Get your spot while you can! Register for the 2024 Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

We kick off next month! Register for the 2024 Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

Greatness awaits. Register for the 2024 Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup.
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

Brackets are filling. Get your registration in at cerritoschallenge.com
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

Stuck in. Register for our 2024 tournament at cerritoschallenge.com
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

Got your spot yet? Don’t miss out on the 2024 tournament! Sign up at cerritoschallenge.com
#cmcc2024 #risetothechallenge

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